作业帮 > 行政管理论文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/09 10:52:41 行政管理论文
【论文参考网 - 行政管理论文】
关键词:论语; 易传; 春秋;天道; 易道

My superficial view on Confucius’ will at his old age:

Simultaneously extending an new interpretation for the part of Late Spring in the Analects

Abstract: It is really difficult to guess Confucius'' will at his old age. The author maintains that the crux of the matter is how to appropriately choose historical materials available to understand it well. Treating some related content in the Analects of Confucius as the criterion, this paper attempts to analyze Confucius'' thought at his old age by interpreting the related parts in Yi zhuan and the Spring and Autumn Annals. Meanwhile, the paper raises a new interpretation of the part of the Late Spring, being claimed to be difficult to be understood in the Analects, to stress Confucius'' conception of closely uniting with the Dao of heaven, and pointing out this is the pains Confucius had taken to set then the chaotic society to rights by expanding the principles dwelling in Yi and revising the Spring and Autumn Annals. It is really not advisable for the decedents to neglect or over suspect the value of the historical materials such as Mencius ? Duke Wen of Teng ??(II), Historical Records ? Hereditary Houses of Confucius, as well as Yi zhuan ? Yao copied on silk excavated, in manifesting Confucius'' real thought at his old age.

Key words: Confucius'' Analects; Yi zhuan; the Spring and Autumn Annals; the Dao of heaven; principles in Yi????



?? 孔子思想的全面实况如何,至今仍然是值得再三探讨的问题。事实上,孔子过世后,战国末年便出现过八派“自谓真孔”的儒者,“取舍相反不同”。难怪韩非要质疑:到底哪一派所说的才是孔子的真实思想?(《韩非子?学篇》指出“世之显学,儒墨也。儒之所至,孔子也……自孔子之死也,有子张之儒,有子思之儒,有颜氏之儒,有孟氏之儒,有仲良之儒,有孙氏之儒,有乐正氏之儒。……故孔墨之后,儒分为八……取舍相反不同,而皆自谓真孔墨,孔墨不可复生,将谁使定后世之学乎?”)这个问题到了汉代依然存在,同样在尊经尊孔的前提下,今文家视孔子为哲学家、政治家、教育家、托古改制的素王,而行政管理论文