
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:11:01
摩尔斯电码用手指敲击如何区分长短音?就是滴 哒 如何有区别的敲出来?每次敲都是短音,根本无法区分, okay shall we go then?Spoil ourselves?这句话中的spoil ourselves 这是剑桥雅思 8 第一篇听力里句子 They are teachers and don’t realize __________ to start and run a company.A:what it takes B:what takes it C:what they take D:what takes them They are teachers and don't realize what it takes to start and run a company.这里为什么要用to start?修饰什么?表目的? They are junior clerks and don't know__to start and run a large company.A.what take them B.what they take C.what takes it C.what it takesC.what takes it D.what it takes对不住各位啊! 英语直接引语变间接引语是that变不变为this以及遵不遵循间接变直接的那些单词的变化错了!是间接变直接 we ( )(go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon怎么填 我们还发现,根的生长方向与种子放置的方向有什么关系 I could h____ sleep last evening.It was too nosy outside. 我的名字里有一个炜字,是女生的名字,帮我想一个带有这个字的女生网名, 我的名字里有文婧这个字,想让空间的名字里含有这个词,谢谢 以“谁教会我什么”为题写一篇作文500字左右 谁帮我写一篇英语作文呀!必采纳,谢谢学霸. 英语的That引导的宾语从句和直接引语变间接引语有什么区别? The cable networks earnings have been eroded over the past years by an estimated 80 milion dollarsin annual losses from the world championship wrestling求翻译 已知数列{an}满足a1=100,an+1-an=2n 则求an/n的最小值? 12 -year-old 和12 years old的区别 I _____(be)12 years old last year.用所给词的适当形式填空. 名词性物主代词的填空 1 That's my book.It's( ) 2 These are your keys.They are( ) 3 This要用名词性物主代词is our house.It's()4 Those are his shoes.They are ()5 This is her painting.It's The long sofa in my house takes up too much s______ 中译英 给某人带来欢乐 ____________ 我是处女座的女生、我喜欢狮子座的男生、星座学准么?、处女座女生和狮子座男生有可能么?给点意见把、 twenty -thousand 和 five thousand 分别是多少? 别失忆了,我们是朋友!用英语怎么说?别失忆了,我们是朋友!用英语怎么说? 室女座星系的形状象墨西哥人戴的什么1草裙 2草裤 3草帽 4草鞋 sports cap是什么 People won’t see any flower() May Abefore B after C until Dsince We ___ see any flowers until May. 翻译install or change the password and the length of password must be greaver than one word 生物中心法则各过程所用到的酶 人这个字咋解释 人这个字怎么解释 人这个字该怎么解释?用哲学的角度来回答.