
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:34:26
in case you were wondering.这句话中in case 和wondering的用法这是voa special English中的一句话,全句是The Institute of International Education in New York says engineering is the second most popular field,in case you were wondering. Do you usualy argue with your parent?If so,what matter 大学用什么地图册 (英语练习题)读音标,写单词. [west] [tu:] [kulkIl] [wel] [ðea]——How does he get________?——It's very easy.His home is not far. [ livz ] [ baik ] [west ] [ klaud] [ lait ] [ri:d ] [ ri:dz ] [kait] 看音标写单词回答正确 加悬赏(越快加越多)还没打完、 'c(这个音标打不出只好打反的)fis] [ 'bukstc(这个音标打不出只好打反的] rein ] [' 求这些单词音标 hav mek bag west big risk fag stik上面这些单词的准确音标 表示结束有哪些词组,有at time么,有的话与in the end有什么区别 Why don't we go hiking this weekend.改同义句:___ ___ go hiking this weekend. why don't we go to plant trees this weekend Peter,I'd love to go hiking this weekend; but if you don't,_____A nor do I B so do IC neither will I D so will I Can we go hiking together this weekend?的肯定回答是什么否定回答也要,意思也要.快! 求用音标把wáng qīn的发音标出来声调不一样也无所谓 Why don't you go outing with us this weekend?(改为同义句)——going outing with us this weekend? 西班牙语ng的发音还有中国的姓氏怎么转换成西语 有没有hè tóng 这个读音?我听到中央电视台的旁白有这么读,很是纳闷啊.好吧、我忘了说。当时是电视里面说“达芬奇家具与他们根本就没有过任何hè tóng 或是协议” 相联系口语,怎么交会说外语的朋友?本人正在狂补英语,想要找一个擅长英语,最好来英语国家的人当互助对象.我是学中文的,普通话A乙,有没有好的建议呢? 想交会外语的朋友想提高英语以及口语交际能力 英语翻译我司106届广交会摊位号是1.2A09-11&B09-10,展期是10月15-19日(第一期).希望能在交易会上见到您.(请帮忙翻译这句) Do you know why they forced him____with them?A.go B.going C.to go D.gone 如何把this is it(就是这样)变成疑问句,翻译成“就是这样吗”? can i help you with ______?不定代词,例如something,anything can I help you with something?英文正式用语是? This is something i can't help you withA.I can't help you with this thingB.Although I wish to help you,I am not able toC.There is something i can't help you withD.If something else,i think i can help you because it is still several months away.这里的away指什么?如题... there are several children ------several countries A comes from B come from C from D to 交我学英语的方法 Search doesn't know how she can book a plane ticket on the Internet.句意不变 Listen!A boy is shouting _____ help.A for B at C to again and again 中文歌词这是壹首很好听的英文歌啊,但是我自由它的英文歌词,各位是否能满足我的好奇心,帮我翻译以下呢?附:jewel英文歌词Listen dear I need you to hear I Cannot disappear I've tried again and Can I borrow ___ books from the school library A.two moreB.more twoC.two another D.Other two I want ------- books. A. two more B. two many C. more two She Just Wants to Be Loved 歌词