
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:39:05
新闻联播几点开始? 我们为什么要树立以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻的观念? 朱子家训中与以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻有相同点的句子 在“八荣八耻”中有一句“以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻”请根据信的结构,谈谈你对“信”的理解. 找一篇诚信的演讲稿学想要开展一个“诚信故事”比赛,征集一片演讲稿,要求事情不要名人的,最好是发生在我们身边的“诚信故事”,请各位大侠们帮小妹参谋参谋,看看这种比赛应该用怎样 I am sorry you can not take that train it( )ten minutes agoA left B was leaving C will leave D leaves( )i was watching tv at nine last night ,there was a loud knock at the door A because B when C while D ifi was thinking about ( )when it began to rai 这三个英语选择题怎么选呀?为什么?1.Although he refused to act on my suggestion,he had to admit that ______ what I said.A.there was something in B.it was something in C.there was something as D.it was something as 2.I saw Bill sitting in 季节的英文怎么写 Now,in our country free medical treatment covers sickness of mind as well as ____sickness.A.normal B.average C.regular D.ordinary我选D,不确定,A和D咋区分?Don't leave the water____while you brush your teeth.A.run B.running C.being run D.to run 已知A=a^2+b^2-c^2,B=-3a^2+2b^2+5c^2,并且A+B+C=0,问C是什么多项式? 求一篇关于诚信的演讲稿!大概3,要讲起来有激情的,幽默一点的,要有具体事例来说明. 谁能帮我写一篇关于诚信的演讲稿越快越好,还要好背 请帮忙写一篇关于诚信的演讲稿,有急用, Book3 Workbook Reading task unit3、unit4翻译 答案A为什么,C为何不可以?If you want to improve your listening skills,you should often _____tapes after class.Alisten to B listen C listens to D hear 为什么第六题不能选D? 初中英语选择题…为什么第12题不能选D呢? ____ is it from your home to our shool?A How often B How far C How soon我知道A不对,那B 和C 应该选择哪一个?为什么? 用英语写出一段话(课程表) 在多项式a³-2a²b-2a²+2b²+b³中填括号 1.三次项结合放在前面中带有+号的括号里2.把二次项结合,放在前面带有-号的括号里 DId she use to .long hair填 have 还是has 没听清 英语中“通过电视看足球赛” 英语翻译My ( ) brother are ( ) a soccer game ( ) TV. 常用的各国家名称的英语名称都有什么怎么写 英语电影中常用的“我的天!”英语怎么写似乎是两个单词,音是这样的:gizes crest 初中英语填空,只有3个空 怎么写, 这三空是什么 空着的 请求填空 申请表里面需要用英文吗 五年级英语看图写话,给好评 请问三大题问2小题怎么做