
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:04:23
今年的双11,你贡献了多少给天猫?哈哈.我也跟着双十一凑热闹了,腐败了600块啊!喵、喵、喵…… 赠汪伦的感想,联系实际再说一说我要的是感想,不是诗意,写读了这首诗的感想 怎么根据B列的序号判断M列的值,使C列显示为相应N列的数据. “都是时臣的错”是什麼意思? 都是时臣的错——想表达什么意思啊啊啊,嘤嘤,qwq 感恩戴德,不胫而走,炙手可热, 都是时臣的错 这句话出自哪里 为什么都是时臣的错. 被誉为古希腊历史之父的人是下列人物中的哪一位? 炙手可热:手摸上去感到热得烫人.比喻权势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近.可是造句:海的浦东以前是一块不毛之地,现在却变成了一块炙手可热的商业宝地.造句的意思,炙手可热是让人想接近拿到 英语翻译Agatha Christie was born on September 15th,1890.She didn’t go to school because her mother wanted to teach her at home.She studied the piano and singing in Paris.She got married in 1914 to a pilot(飞行员) and they had one daughter.Du 英语翻译And at night just as the light is turned is turned off ,we can hear them come out from the holes,singing joy ,greeting each other and discussing what to do .Then ,they begin to work,first ,noise comes from the book shelves .They must be r 英语翻译Error recovery may also be improved by techni- cal factors,for example,resources that enhance access to information and ease of communication between team members.Critical care units are con- sidered “complex sociotechnical systems” t 甲乙酮与NH3如何反应·求反应程序步骤··最好有比例与反应式··NH3用的是氨水还是氨乙醇还是氨甲醇呢 英语翻译Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,honorable judges and distinguished guest!This is Alex time!Ha-ha…My topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.Then what is gratitude?At the moment a well-known song comes into my mind.Ye NH3 与HCl反应的操作步骤, 为什么都怪时臣的错? 炙手可热的意思 究竟是都是时臣的错这句话先出现还是世界的错先出现?出现的时间顺序是不是 都是时臣的错→都是世界的错→都是克莉丝的错→都是柚子的错 谁可以帮我翻译一下急要 英语翻译摘要:“绿色”的概念,是一段时间来国内外各界广泛讨论的热点话题,其内包括环境保护与可持续性发展等.本文对包装废弃物对环境的危害、我国的绿色包装现状、包装材料及原则 描写一个人物的形象大概300---400字包括动作啊,语言啊,什么的我想写我的爷爷,有没有什么好的词语啊.句子啊.朴实的.感动的. 进士不读史记一文中刻画的老甲榜形象和我们课文中学到的哪一人物相似?请举一例我现在是初三我觉得他是有点自大的那种吧. 已知整型数据a=3,b=-4,c=5,则表达式a++—b+(++c)的值为多少, 已知|a-3|+|b+2|=0,求下列代数值的值 已知a=-2分之1,b=2分之1,c=-3,求代数值a÷bc-a^2*b*c的值. 已知:当在x = 1,2AX?曾x的数值为3,当x = 2时,曾XM值?有:已知A = 5倍?恒= 3X?站 - {B + [A-2B-(A + B)}} {}大括号中括号[]是要过程 英语单选题.求正确答案.3Q.1.Finally,I was ______ by his lively sense of humor.A.disturbed B.moved C.attracted D.defeated2.-Excuse me.May I smoke here -Sorry,you are not allowed _________ here.A.smoking B.smoke smoke D.smokes3.Camera are 电算化单选题 20.下列操作能由计算机自动进行的是( ).A.凭证输入B.凭证审核C.记账D.凭证修改21.下列( )属于系统控制参数的设置.A.会计科目设置B.凭证类型设置C.外币设置D.明细权限设置2 单选题:(请将正确答案的字母填入括号内) 中国古代科学文化源远流长,成就辉煌,曾在世界上长期居于领先地位,但到近代却逐步落后于西方.这给我们的启示是( ) ①、要树立民族自尊心 三个w和两个y可以组成什么单词 这段话里面的“for all intents and purposes incinerated”是什么意思?"This is an enormous area,30 buildings just completely destroyed,for all intents and purposes incinerated," Harper said.`"There isn't a family that is not affected by thi