
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:38:10
9.23 It cost me 30 yuan to get here.Well,it was crazy of you to take a taxi __ you wouldIt cost me 30 yuan to get here.Well,it was crazy of you to take a taxi __ you would comeby bus as well.A.unless B.if C.when D.because请说明理由, It was crazy of you to take a taxi when you would come by bus as well 句中when 为什么 不可以是 if 如图,哥们懂的懂的哥们,做个有种的哥们,来一下383707860 it was crazy of you to take a taxi英语选择it cost me 50 yuan to get therewell, it was crazy of you to take a taxi( )you could come by bus as wellA.while B.if C.because D.when我想问的是为什么选when 不选while? 英语翻译 过生日朋友发来一张图,如题,表示看不懂 误喝了洗洁精是四年前的事了,那时喜欢稀释一些洗洁精来毒虫子之类了,不小心喝下去,当时狂吐,现在想起来有些可怕,到底会不会有后遗症,顺便说下,我有扁平胸,有没有关呢. 误饮洗涤剂怎么办 我是搞矿山井下开采的,因地下水大,想用水泵排水我不知有什么泵能用,能解决我井下排水问题,求 喝了洗洁精怎么办 误喝了彩漂洗涤剂怎么办? Han Mei is my friend.She is genours than me.A a little B much C a little much D much more 如果地球不是圆球体,而是立方体或一个平面,会出现什么情况 谁了解中煤第一勘探局煤层气研究所的情况?工资待遇,发展前景,综合实力等. 勘察中地层为什么距离相差10几米水位却相差1.5米 without _____a word ,he left a saying b talking c speaking d tellingplease ______who broke the window.a look b find c find out d look at 选择填空 Without-----a word,he left.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.telling She is more outgoing than I ____ .要填什么A.do B.is C .am D.are he left the room without a word,leaving us_____A.to surprise B.would surprise C.surprisingD.surprised My best friend is more o____ than me ,so she's more popular.速度的我加100 without_____(say) a word,wilson left the room angrily 1、————,Lucy left the room without a word.A、Looking disappointedB、Looked disappointing C、Looking disappointedD、Looked disappointed应该选什么?为什么这么选? 钛镁合金门面积计算方法? 为什么地球是一个大圆球? 穿越火线6字母英文名好看就行不非要什么含义的就要六个字母 英语用所给词的适当形式填空:"My friend is a little (outgoing)than me 有什么形容恋人因性格思想不合最后不得不分手的诗句?恋人虽然互相牵挂可性格思想不合被迫分手.最好就一句,美点的… 中性英文名!以X开头,四个字母的 像XIAH这样的 How many chairs are there in the room?改错 How many chairs are there in your dining-room? room,how,there,in,chairs,are,your,many(?)连词成句 链传动的平均传动比计算公式问题书上的这个公式我有些看不太明白,公式当中,÷60我明白,但是÷1000是怎么来的呢?