
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:53:15
is,i,because,tennis,like,interesting,it连词成句 I like sports____because they are interesting_____because they're good forme.为什么是not····only,both····and····不行吗?not only,but also上面的少打了 l like giraffes because they are interestingA a kind ofB kinds ofC a kind D kind of what do you like?/what are you like?中do和are的用法,意义及区别 What would you do?与What would you like to do?这两句用法有区别吗? never let the fear of stricking out keep you from playing the game 的意思never let the fear of stricking out keep you from playing the game . p.s;(不是英文的意思偶)要从肢体的意思上理解.而且他们笑的很猥琐.我说他们怎么笑的咋么猥琐. take turns,read.to.,on top of. 你不是我的爱 用英文怎么说?用英文翻译 你不是我的爱 好方法或推荐些好的语法书.这个句子是什么意思:neither one of us has the energy to keep on top it al 首字母填空 I like v( ).Because I do not like o( ) .They are smelly. 改错Some people like comedies,they think they are very interested. 太阳光照图怎样判读圆柱投影图 You must tell us exactly what you would like to do.You must tell us to exact what you would like to do.为什么是错的 初三 英语 You must tell us exactly what you would like to do. You must do exactly what I tell you to do UG造型设计问题,砂型铸造这块砂型是用什么命令做出来的 ug模型旋转后怎么恢复 专业工业设计 这学期学UG 求UG建模模型 不要太高端的 我们就学了点皮毛 啥曲面啥的.我们用的是4.0的版本 越多越好 邮箱count3601@163.com How robots will change our life You want to leave me 是什么意思You want to leave me 是什么意思谁知道 I don\'t want you to leave me Just leave me alone. do you want to do. I do not want to do be your burden . 什么意思?越详细越好,普通话读着准确. Leave me alone!If you wanna cry ,cry on my computer life 压缩机排出的制冷剂是高温高压的液体还是什么 制冷剂在压缩机中被压缩为什么不会变成液体制冷剂在压缩机中被压缩为什么不会变为液体?原因是什么?请哪个大侠从热工方面的知识详细地解答一下! 冰柜制冷时压缩机排除的是制冷剂是气态的还是液态的? 农村的性别比比城市高的原因 情感情绪分类 下列各组岩石中,按成因属同一类型的是A.砾岩、大理岩、板岩B.花岗岩、玄武岩、大理岩C.砂岩、石灰岩、页岩D.板岩、花岗岩、大理岩 读右图,图中虚线表示晨昏线,每两条经线之间的经度差相等,阴影部分与非阴影部分日期不同,回答13~14题. 13.若图中的日期为6日与7日,则北京时间是 (  )A.6日23时 B. I don't want to trust anyone,I just want to stay alone.谁能帮我翻译下.