
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:44:27
What day is it today?的回答是星期还是日期? what_____it is today!A a nice weather B nice weather C nice a weather D nice dayto my ____ ,he is helping his mother with housework A surprised B surprise C to surprise D surprisng What _____ is it today?It's ______. What ( )is it today?It's ( ).怎么回答 PPR管De与DN的换算给排水中材质规格是如何进行换算的,例如;PPR与镀锌钢管? 21分之1-1 12分之13,这道题怎么计算 沦锌与沪锌是怎么换算的?我说的是期货方面的换算方法,最好给出公式 ,谢谢!!!! 第八题如何计算? What is it in English?A.It is the Statue of restaurant.B.It's a Statue of Liberty.C.It's Statue of Liberty.D.That's Statue of Liberty. 第八题怎么算? What day is it?这句英语那出错了 第八题 写出计算过程 第八题要怎么算? 第8题怎么算 What's the date today?A.Sunday B.August the ninth C.the fist of May D.October fifth正确选C,为什么?为什么不是B what is the earth like today 什么意思 一道难的统计题目,谢谢大家回答A company is considering the use of self-managed work teams. A random sample of 400 employees is selected and their attitudes toward self-managed work teams are recorded. The results classified by their type 英语What is the date today?可以说成What the date is today?吗? 如果不可以,那么What day is today?呢还有How was it yesterday?可以说成What was it yesterday?吗?如果不可以,那么,What is the weather today?呢?这句又可不可 What is the date today?Is January____.有三个选择:12nd 22nd 23th 21th , 英文选项题:what is the date today?(麻烦说明理由,可说可不说)A.12nd B.22nd C.23th D.21th 用英语解释句子What is the date? DN25水管是几分管 如何将DN25的水管连接到DN15的龙头上 水管水泵水管连续拐弯,比如说两个一根水管用三通接出一根跟这根水管平行的管,就是上左上的走向这样水的阻力是不是加大了,没有直管的顺畅,对水泵有没有影响、压力大了肯定憋水泵吧! 帮我算一道数学题目! DN20水管是叫几分管啊?我的问题是PPR热水管,我有时候听说DN32是1寸管.所以现在一直搞不清楚那个是对的. 用铜管代替PPR做水管,可谁用的起啊? 水管直径与水龙头规格的问题,卫生间的水管上标的是:PP-R S4 dn25×em(这两个字母看不清楚,不知道是不是em)2.8 Water Supply Pipes,水管出水口(也就是水龙头接口)上标的是PP-R Φ25×1/2不知道这种 what's the weather like today?it's___cold.the temperature is about -20℃A.nice B.nice and C.very much D.too much 如图所示,光滑导轨MN和PQ固定在同一水平面上,两导轨间距为L,两端分别接有阻值均为R的定值电阻R1和R2.两导轨间有一边长为L2 的正方形区域abcd,该区域内有方向竖直向下的匀强磁场,磁感应 第一题怎么计算呢? 关于消防水管的颜色请问消防水管的颜色应该是露出的部分是红色的,还是所有的管道都是红色的吗..这个颜色的标识是各个国家都有自己的标准还是所有的国家都是这样的?